ArchiveNovember 2013

Siegfried Wagner: “A Formless Creature”


From the Diaries of Count Harry Kessler (Laird M. Easton, ed., Knopf 2011), pp. 504-05: Berlin, February 7, 1911.  Tuesday. Lunch at Frau von Rath’s with Siegfried Wagner, the Hills (the American ambassador and his wife), the painter Zorn, and Fraülein von Olfers.  Siegfried brought up The Rosenkavalier, the poverty of its thematic inventiveness.  He […]

“Richard Wagner: The Lighter Side”


I was interested in Terry Quinn’s book, Richard Wagner: The Lighter Side because of its title.  It was intriguing to think that a biography or study might be assembled using Wagner’s humane, even funny, personality – his quirkiness, his climbing trees or standing on his head, his affection for his dogs and his devotion to […]

The Wagner Blog

The Wagner Blog is a forum for discussion of contemporary themes arising from the works of Richard Wagner. Discussions relating to Wagner’s musical, literary, theatrical, philosophical, political and theoretic work are all appropriate for this forum.

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