Psychoanalysts Steven H. Goldberg, M.D., and Lee Rather, Ph.D., have edited an enjoyable collection of essays under the title “Opera on the Couch: Music, Emotional Life, and Unconscious Aspects of Mind” (Routledge 2022). Three of the essays address Wagner characters: Senta, Walther and Tristan. L. Eileen Keller, Ph.D., a psychoanalyst in private practice in California, authored...
Looking Ahead at Leipzig
I’ve wasted enough time mourning the performances I had planned to attend but that dissolved in pandemic mist. The Chicago Ring in April; the Paris Ring in November/December; the Dresden Ring in January/February; the Met Tristan; the Vienna Parsifal. No more looking in the rear view mirror! I’ve had it with converting airplane reservations into flight certificates! I’ve...
Goodall’s Romantic Ring
I took a Road Trip in August and brought along some Bach chamber music, the complete Bruckner Symphonies, and Reginald Goodall’s EMI recording of the Ring, from performances at the Coliseum in 1977. I first attended the Ring in late 1976 at the Coliseum and so these English language recordings claim a special place in my heart. I’ve dipped into them now and then, and when I did so...
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