
Senta, Tristan and Walther “On the Couch”


Psychoanalysts Steven H. Goldberg, M.D., and Lee Rather, Ph.D., have edited an enjoyable collection of essays under the title “Opera on the Couch: Music, Emotional Life, and Unconscious Aspects of Mind” (Routledge 2022).  Three of the essays address Wagner characters: Senta, Walther and Tristan. L. Eileen Keller, Ph.D., a psychoanalyst in private practice in California, authored...

Looking Ahead at Leipzig


I’ve wasted enough time mourning the performances I had planned to attend but that dissolved in pandemic mist.  The Chicago Ring in April; the Paris Ring in November/December; the Dresden Ring in January/February; the Met Tristan; the Vienna Parsifal. No more looking in the rear view mirror!  I’ve had it with converting airplane reservations into flight certificates!  I’ve...

Goodall’s Romantic Ring


I took a Road Trip in August and brought along some Bach chamber music, the complete Bruckner Symphonies, and Reginald Goodall’s EMI recording of the Ring, from performances at the Coliseum in 1977.  I first attended the Ring in late 1976 at the Coliseum and so these English language recordings claim a special place in my heart. I’ve dipped into them now and then, and when I did so...

The Wagner Blog

The Wagner Blog is a forum for discussion of contemporary themes arising from the works of Richard Wagner. Discussions relating to Wagner’s musical, literary, theatrical, philosophical, political and theoretic work are all appropriate for this forum.

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