
The Death and Heroism of Siegfried


In his thin and challenging book, The Trouble with Wagner, Prof. Michael Steinberg of Brown University shares a dramaturge's perspective on the Ring Cycle -- both from his academic scrutiny and from the experience of acting in the position of dramaturge in the production of the work recently staged at La Scala and Berlin State Opera and directed by Guy Cassiers...

Seattle Ring — Part 2


The second half of the Seattle Ring was cause for more reserved admiration.  The scenic wonders continue,d but to a great extent repeated themselves, as sets were re-purposed from the first two works, resulting in some interest but much more disappointment.  And the performances, while vocally very strong, seemed to hit dead-ends in their characterization. […]

Barenboim: Wagner and Us


I have a special relationship to Daniel Barenboim’s music-making.  It was Barenboim’s ka-jillion-LP set from which I learned the Beethoven piano sonatas in 1972 or so.  It was Barenboim who conducted Tristan in my first visit to Bayreuth in 1981.  It was Barenboim who was at the podium for the Harry Kupfer Ring, and who continued […]

New YouTube Channel on NY Wagner Society Events


The Richard Wagner Society of New York is the largest Society in North America.  For years it has offered U.S. Wagnerians opportunties “to learn, to teach, to share,” as its motto goes.  Now it has established a site on YouTube that permits Wagnerians around the world to delight in some of its many offerings. The site […]

How Does the Ring End?


Has anyone seen the Ring end this way? VASSALS AND WOMEN TOGETHER:  Wotan! Wotan! Ruling god! Wotan, bless the pyre! Burn hero and bride, Burn the faithful steed: So that free of wounds and pure, All-father’s free companions, Valhalla can greet them United in eternal bliss!

The Wagner Blog

The Wagner Blog is a forum for discussion of contemporary themes arising from the works of Richard Wagner. Discussions relating to Wagner’s musical, literary, theatrical, philosophical, political and theoretic work are all appropriate for this forum.

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